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Hickory PTA Scholarship Recipients 2024

Congratulations to our Hickory PTA Scholarship Winners, Karis Kim, Hina Kurono, and Maya Okada! The PTA will be presenting the awards to the recipients at the association meeting on Wednesday, 3/27, at 6:30pm in the Cafeteria.

Name: Karis Kim

School: South High School Class of 2024

Award: Best All Around Student

“Karis was always a very organized student with amazing writing skills. She always went the extra mile to fully complete her assignments which made them true masterpieces. She was also a quiet thinker and very kind to everyone.” - Mrs. Bond

Name: Hina Kurono

School: Torrance High School Class of 2024

Award: Academic Achievement

“I’m so impressed by the accomplishments she has made since she left Hickory. Hina was always responsible and respectful while she was a student here at Hickory. She always strived to achieve high goals, and was a great Room 15 student. I know her future holds great things for her. I wish her all the best!” - Mrs. LoGrande

Name: Maya Okada

School: Torrance High School Class of 2024

Award: Community Involvement

“As a fifth grade student in my first class at Hickory Elementary, Maya left a lasting impression on me, as she was a very bright, talented, and creative young lady who always went above and beyond. She was kind to everyone, helpful to myself and her classmates, and had a great sense of humor (I could always count on her to get my jokes, too!). Maya had all the qualities of a role model and leader all those years ago, and I have no doubt that she continues to be that and so much more as she prepares to graduate high school and attend the college of her choosing. I wish her all the best and am certain that she is destined for great things in all areas of her life!  - Mrs. Sardisco

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