News & Updates

Safety Reminders
After School Pick Up
Please discuss pickup plans with your child every morning. We also recommend they memorize important contact information (e.g., phone number and home address) or have a note with this information in their backpack.
Staff Parking Lot
To ensure the safety of our fellow students, families, and staff please note the Hickory Staff parking lot is for Staff Only. Families and caregivers may use the valet line or park in the neighborhood and walk your child to the gates.
Please be respectful of our neighbors when parking on the street—do not block driveways.
Thank you for keeping our community safe!
New for the 2024-2025 School Year:
With the addition of new families and students with various needs of support, also comes the addition of TUSD Bus Drop-off and Pick- up for some of our students. Please note that the loading zone in front of the TK/Kinder playground is now for BUS LOADING AND DROP OFF ONLY (please see the map below). Thank you in advance for your understanding and support of this new area and for not utilizing it for personal drop off and pick up.